Fan Rake

Get your garden ready for spring with WOLF-Garten multi-change® tools

Spring is just around the corner! Soon the days will be longer and lighter, and our gardens will start to bloom again. To help ease the transition from winter, and lighten the load come spring, take the time in these quieter months to get ahead and prepare your garden. Start ticking jobs off your to-do list now by clearing fallen leaves, preparing the soil for sowing, and organising tools.

With WOLF-Garten’s multi-change® tool, it is quick and easy to switch between tasks and prepare your garden for spring. With a versatile handle and a range of attachments, it’s easy to have all the tools you need in one place, and keep your garden shed tidy. Whether you are weeding, levelling, raking, or pruning back plants, simply choose a different attachment and get going!



Push-Pull Weeder

Push-Pull Weeder


Whatever the season, there is always weeding to be done! Weeds tend to pop up in the new soil space that is usually occupied during the summer months. Making sure you stay on top of weeding, especially in beds and boards, will make it much easier to sow new seeds and plant fresh shrubs come spring.

WOLF-Garten’s multi-change® Push-Pull Weeder uses a dual-edge blade to work forwards and backwards across the soil to trap and cut through weeds. This handy attachment, combined with the adjustable handle, allows you to weed comfortably while standing, without having to bend down or kneel on the cold ground.





Fan Rake

Fan Rake

Clear debris

Over winter, fallen leaves and general debris can easily build up on flower beds and boards. For more confined areas such as borders, the compact multi-change® Fan Rake 11cm is perfect to clear away any build-up in smaller spaces due to the compact but effective prongs. Rake away any organic matter until the soil is bare so the space is ready for planting fresh seeds and plants. Place this organic matter in the compost bin to break down and turn into future mulch.

As well as beds and borders, make sure that wet leaves and moss are cleared regularly throughout winter from paths, patios and steps. This helps prevent them from getting slippery and dangerous. It’s best to wait for a dry day and use the multi-change® Patio Broom to thoroughly give outdoor spaces a good clean. Made with durable bristles, this broom is weather resistant and long-lasting .





Prepare the soil

Once the frosty days pass, it’s time to get your soil ready for growing season. During the colder months, soil can often become compact and hard, so you need to loosen up the soil ready for spring.

For tough ground, the multi-change Grubber easily breaks up the soil with three pointed tines, helping to loosen up and aerate the soil after the winter. The 9cm attachment is ideal for working in between plants in beds, or in smaller spaces such as borders.








Alternatively, a hoe can be used for tilling the soil in preparation for planting. The WOLF-Garten multi-change® Mini Hoe is a handy, multifunction attachment that uses three sharp prongs to easily break up heavy soil. Reverse to the other side to weed or draw out seed drills later on in the season.




Organise your tools

As well as out in the garden, there is a lot to do in the garden shed. Getting your tools in order, taking stock of any that have gone missing or that need replacing, and tidying the space are all great ways to prepare for the busy growing season ahead. The WOLF-Garten Tool Holder System is a clever solution to saving space and keeping the shed or garage organised and clear. Have your tool attachments readily accessible with four adjustable, moveable holders, which can support any of the attachments in the multi-change® range, as well as other WOLF-Garten tools.


Your future self, as well as your garden, will thank you for doing these tasks throughout the colder months, and will help you to seamlessly kick off the busy spring season! Find out more about WOLF-Garten’s multi-change® tools and their wide range of attachments at


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