Trees and grass, the sustainable summer partnership!

Trees and grass, the sustainable summer partnership!

Even small trees are really valuable in today’s gardens, absorbing CO2, pumping out oxygen, purifying the air and supporting vital biodiversity. But as Lawn Association Chairman, David Hedges-Gower, explains, trees surrounding lawns have traditionally had a bad reputation amongst many keen gardeners. “Tree shade and leaf fall are cited as real problems for grass and other garden plants. In fact, every keen lawn owner would go as far as removing trees for their lawn to succeed.  But at the Lawn Association we’re all about sustainability – and we think they’re a match made in heaven!

“Right now, with repeated heat waves, we’re seeing just how quickly grass turns dry and brown in a hot summer. But watering a standard garden lawn can be a terrible waste of resources – especially when over millions of years our native grasses have developed the incredible ability to bounce back after extreme weather.

Trees and grass, the sustainable summer partnership!

Trees and grass, the sustainable summer partnership!

“The right tree,” explains David, “can help by preventing the searing midday sun from scorching the grass around it. Then, if you really must water your lawn, I can guarantee there’ll be one large patch that won’t need it!”We are going through a change in climate and lawns have been under attack from areas, unfairly so and people are still considering plastic carpet going into hotter climates!  It’s simply crazy

But what is the right tree?  That’s where tree experts can help, but if we want to protect lawns, trees are a natural canopy that can help us moving forward.  You want one that fits aesthetically without dominating the space. You need a tree that allows sufficient dappled light to penetrate the branches. And you can (carefully) always choose evergreen varieties if you really don’t want to rake up autumn leaves. You also a tree that you will enjoy – maybe one that will give you delicious fruit? With the immense choice available, there will always be a tree that is perfect for your garden.

So, as with so many other old traditional beliefs about lawns, we need to rethink our attitude to trees on lawns. A well-chosen tree is a really useful ally, part of a nature’s own sustainable and balanced way of keeping everything in the garden as healthy and natural as possible.


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