Writer and TV presenter goes Blooming Wild for Euroflor Flower Seed
Lynne Allbutt is a writer, TV presenter, speaker, and an advocate for Euroflor Flower Seed.
In her recent column ‘Green Scene’ written for the Western Mail newspaper, Lynne pays the biggest compliment. “Whenever I use or talk about wildflowers, there is only one company I recommend and that’s Rigby Taylor who are part of Origin Amenity Solutions. They provided the seed for the memorable wildflower meadows at the Olympic Park back in 2012, and more locally, have provided a lot of seed for Monmouthshire Council, and a few years ago for some of the roundabouts in Blaenau Gwent. If you have seen any of those displays, you won’t have forgotten them.”

Writer and TV presenter goes Blooming Wild for Euroflor Flower Seed
Lynne runs a garden design business and is a gardener at heart with a passion for the outdoors and is often described as a Champion for Mother Nature.
She continues, “There are numerous fabulous mixes to choose from, making sure there is something suitable for every site and situation. Euroflor offers a wide range of mixes including horticultural cultivars and/or UK native and naturalised species in varying combinations. Mixes are available for spring or autumn sowing and there are 11 mixes to choose from in the Euroflor Project Pollin-8 range. This project is a major initiative at reversing the decline in pollinating insects by including high yielding nectar and pollen flower mixtures.
Or you can choose from the ‘Flora Native’ range, a collection of Native UK provenance wildflower seed mixes. This seed can be sown all year round as long as the moisture and temperature is conducive to germination and growth. Specific mixes are available for wild birds, and bees and butterflies as well as for different soils and situations, like woodland, wetland, coastal and flowering lawns.”
Lynne’s article is packed with sensible and useful advice. “If you haven’t sown your flower seed yet, get them in the ground as soon as possible. The weather conditions can change so quickly and there is still time to have a hot, dry summer, so a good start will be helpful for them.
I’ve just sowed a lot of wildflower seed around the edge of my veg patch, on a couple of verges and on an awkward bank. It’s not too late, and they’ll provide a welcome splash of colour and food for pollinators at the end of the summer.
It is important to remember that good wildflower seed is not ‘free seed’ or even ‘cheap seed’, but it can still be cost effective, covering much bigger areas than shrubs or herbaceous plants and is often more cost effective – and safer – than strimming difficult areas. Interestingly it is also a cost-effective option for large, grassed areas that would normally be mown regularly. Mowing paths through swathes of wildflowers has to be one of the most fantastic ways of utilising any green space. Wildflower banks are particularly striking as the blooms are ‘displayed’ more effectively and using wildflower areas between boundaries and the main sections of a garden is an excellent ‘transitional trick’ – and treat.
I encourage everyone to ‘experiment’ with a patch of ‘properly-done’ wildflowers to see the benefits for yourself. Attracting pollinators, uplifting the mood, dealing with difficult areas, including poor soil, are just some of the boxes ticked by this under-used flower power.”
Lynne concludes, “Most people who had bad experience using wildflower seeds was simply because they used inferior seed. I am determined to change this and encourage everyone to have a patch of wildflowers in their garden, whether you go for a handful or a hectare. David Carvey at Origin Amenity Solutions is happy to advice on the best seed for your requirements and conditions and is also generous with practical advice. You can contact him on 07774 943629.”
To find out more about Lynne or to contact her visit https://www.lynneallbutt.co.uk/
For more information on Euroflor flower seed visit https://www.rigbytaylor.com/flower-seed/
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