Moss Killer, Beyond The Hype

Moss Killer, Beyond The Hype: David Hedges-Gower, Chairman of the Lawn Association discusses moss killer and why you shouldn’t believe the hype.

For those of us blessed with a lawn, battling moss can feel like a never-ending saga, especially after the wet winter we’ve just seen. And when a product promises to be the ultimate solution, it’s hard not to feel a glimmer of hope.

Moss Killer, Beyond The Hype

Moss Killer, Beyond The Hype

But here’s the truth: there’s no such thing as a moss killer in the retail market. In fact, there never has been.  The only product with such potency was only ever in the professional ranks and even that was removed 20-plus years ago.

Let’s talk specifics. Ferrous sulphate or sulphate of iron, often labelled as moss killer, falls short of its grandiose promise. While it aids in moss control, like many other aspects, aeration, thatch control etc, it’s far from a silver bullet. For ferrous sulphate or sulphate of iron to be called a moss killer, it has to be able to kill it.

The absence of clear oversight allows such misnomers to persist unchecked until public outcry reaches a crescendo, as witnessed with the impending peat ban.

In the words of Mark Twain, “When you speak the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” It’s a sentiment worth pondering. Transparency should be non-negotiable in marketing strategies. Let’s call a spade a spade: it’s not a moss killer, but rather a moss control—a crucial distinction.

Ultimately, informed consumers armed with knowledge are the strongest advocates for change. We should demand accuracy and integrity, ensuring our gardens thrive on truth, not tall tales.

About the Lawn Association: The Lawn Association is a leading educational platform dedicated to promoting sustainable lawn care practices and dispelling common misconceptions within the industry. Through advocacy and education, the association seeks to foster environmental stewardship among lawn enthusiasts across the United Kingdom

Go to the @LawnAssociation Facebook page to join the Lawn Enthusiasts Group, and get free association membership via the website,

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