UK households love their home gardens

UK households love their home gardens: A new survey commissioned for STIGA by YouGov shows habits and attitudes of garden owners (and garden lovers) in the UK, highlighting similarities and different approaches to family life in the garden.

Every garden, no matter how large or small it is, represents a precious, rare resource in the world and should therefore be preserved and protected. Every one of us can do our best to safeguard these ecosystems through responsible care.

UK households love their home gardens

UK households love their home gardens

People in the UK love their patch of green, no matter what the size. But, as a new survey commissioned from YouGov by STIGA, the world’s leading manufacturer of gardening machinery and equipment, reveals, the dimensions of UK home gardens can vary a lot.  There are some that were found to not have a garden at all.   Of those who answered in the survey “I don’t have a garden” there were only 20% for the United Kingdom (as a whole), but this rises significantly in London (32%) and Scotland (30%).  This just goes to show that handheld gardening tools are very important, as those with no garden may still have a windowsill or balcony on which to grow plants.

Those with small gardens of less than 125sqm offer a much closer comparison around the country ranging from those in the North (36%), Midlands (32%), East (27%), London (21%) and South (31%).

But how important is owning a garden to those living in the UK? Choosing a house with or without a patch of green can be a lifestyle-changing decision, as with great gardens come great responsibilities (but also great and pleasurable times). It’s interesting to notice that, overall, more than (69%) of the respondents would prefer a smaller house with their own garden rather than a bigger house without any outside space, in which to grow their own plants, flowers and vegetables, and having an outdoor space to spend time with family and friends. The figures for each region are very similar with those in London (71%) and the South (76%) preferring the smaller house with a private garden.

When it comes to gardens, we usually think about parties, barbecues and laughing kids playing around together while the sun is shining. But the truth is that gardens require love, care, and maintenance all year round, even though we use them more during Spring and Summer. However, Britons seem open to embrace these responsibilities, with more than half of those interviewed (61%) believing that taking care of their green space would not require a lot of their time. This could be dependent on the design of the garden or even the garden machinery technology in which they have invested.

Through the current year, STIGA and YouGov are about to release new insights on Europeans’ use and perception of their patch of green, as well as on their approach and vision towards sustainability in relation to gardens and gardening: stay tuned.

Methodology Note
Survey conducted by YouGov Italia in March 2024 on a sample of 6101 residents in Italy (1010), Spain (1029), France (10123), Germany (1019), Poland (1020), UK (1010).

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