Wet weather urban paving repointing with GftK
Wet weather urban paving repointing with GftK: Longer-term durability increases your works sustainability and budget cost efficiency with GftK’s vdw 850plus paving joint mortars.
The pointing of new paving, and especially for the repointing ‘difficult’ smaller format urban paving, is now possible for the long term, even in wet weather, with GftK’s vdw paving joint mortars.

Wet weather urban paving repointing
Using the unique and best-in-class GftK vdw mortars, also means completion on time and without delays due to the weather, or extended periods of disruption with area closures, and you can say goodbye to expensive annual repointing and repeated costly claims for trips and falls. This durable long-term, cost-effective and sustainable performance is well proven on paving projects all around the UK since 2007.
In all these busy public traffic spaces, the previous, largely cement-based, pointing and repointing materials had failed, despite generally being good products, with their deterioration and breakdown significant within just a year or two because of the demanding environments. The biggest problems were the frequently wet-weather conditions during the pointing, plus the joint size variations, which causes big problems for all cement materials.
The areas are also then subjected to exposed weathering and frequent vehicular traffic, with multiple heavy trucks, plus extensive de-icing salt usage in winter, as well as spillages of all-sorts, then requiring frequent jet-washing and often the use of mechanical street cleaning machines.
However, all this exposure was and is no problem for the unique GftK vdw 850 paving joint system.
Additionally, these important paving projects could be completed on time and on budget, because the jointing works could continue, even in cold and wet weather, without delays.
These projects all clearly demonstrate GftK is the ideal solution for local authorities, term contractors, developers and their professional teams, to cost effectively refurbish and repoint natural stone paving setts on urban roads and other paved public spaces.
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